Discover the perfect blend of crispy and sweet with our pan-fried dumplings recipe with syrup. The dumplings are fried in cooking oil and then smothered in maple syrup. Definitely a great treat for breakfast, lunch, or brunch.
Add the baking powder, salt, and sugar to the flour. Mix.
Egg Mixture
In a different bowl, beat the egg.
Add the water to the beaten egg. Stir.
Egg and Flour Mixture
Slowly add the egg mixture with the flour mixture, forming a ball of dough.
Preparing the Dumplings
Put some flour on the countertop or cutting board.
Put the dough on the flour. Sprinkle a little flour on the dough.
Form the dough into an oblong shape.
Separate the dough into 4 sections. Roll the dumpling dough into long tube-like shapes.
Cut the tube-like shapes into noodles, each a couple of inches long.
Boiling the Dumplings
Put water in a large pot, about 3/4 full. Bring to a boil.
Add the dumplings to the boiling water. Keep stirring as you drop each dumpling in the water.
After all the dumplings are in the pot, stir, reduce the heat to medium, then cover with a lid. Cook for 4 minutes. Check to make sure the water doesn't boil out from under the lid.
After 4 minutes, put the cooked dumplings in a colander and run cold water on them.
The Frying Pan
Add the cooking oil to the frying pan. Turn the burner to high heat. Wait for the frying pan to get hot (just a couple of minutes).
Put the cooked dumplings into the hot cooking oil. Turn the heat to medium-high.
Brown the dumplings for about 5 minutes, or until crispy looking.
Fried dumplings with syrup can be served for breakfast or lunch.
Usually about 3 or 4 dumplings per person.
These dumplings can be eaten without maple syrup or sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon.
Keyword dumplings, dumplngs and syrup, flour dumplings, fried dumplings, homemade dumplings, maple syrup, pan fried dumplings, pan fried dumplings with syrup