Recipe updated: March 29th, 2024
Our family loves board games of all types. We have an extensive library of board games. Our daughters just turned 9 and 11. In this article, we will explore which games they preferred, and which games I liked playing most with them. Spoiler alert: some games they liked playing, were not my favorites and some games are more fun for the entire family. So, if you’re looking for a game just for kids to play look at the kid’s rating. If you are looking to get enjoyment out of the game too, you might want to look at the entire family’s rating.
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Side note: I am also a 2nd grade teacher and give each of my students a board game for Christmas. I usually pick the game based on what skill they need. Kids build skills faster in play than in a classroom setting. Counting, adding, subtracting, reading, language acquisition, comprehension, problem solving, etc. are all useful skills that can be enhanced by playing board games.
📇 Table of Contents for Best Board Games for 8 Year Olds
The games are organized by four categories: classic, strategy, group/cooperative, and card games. Use the table of contents to jump to a specific category or board game.
⚖️ Board Games Rating Scale
You will find a rating underneath each game summary below. The scale ranges from 1-5. The kid rating refers to the rating our two daughters gave the game, and the parent rating is the rating my wife and I gave.
- 2.5 and below: You have to be in the mood to play or it looses its playability within a few games.
- 2.5 – 3.5: You don’t have to be in the mood to play and you will have fun, but you can leave it for a few months.
- 3.5 – 4: You won’t say no to the game if anyone asks you to play it and it doesn’t get old.
- Over 4: These are our go to games!
🎲 Classic Board Games
Now before you get mad at me for any omissions or scoff that I added “that game” to the classics, I first have to tell you how I defined this section. The classic board games section contains all the games that I played when I was 8 that I also shared with my children when they were 8. I can only speak to the games I have played, but would love suggestions in the comments for games I should try in the future!
1. Monopoly
If you can break the game of Monopoly down into chunks, this is a great game to play; personally, I think it’s a little long for an 8 year olds attention span if you plan to finish it in one setting. Things that I love about this game for 8 year olds are the counting aspects and money sense from rent and buying properties and mental flexibility to change strategies as the properties get taken up. The mortgaging aspect and building monopolies might be a little advanced in the beginning. Kids will begin to learn the basics of game play dice rolling, buying properties, collecting rent and trading before learning how to win. It will definitely take a long time the first few times you play, unless you just crush their little spirits… my wife usually doesn’t let me do that… usually.
- Players: 2-6
- Playtime Average: 45 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.25
- Parent Rating: 3
2. Scattergories
Scattergories is an excellent game to play with your 8 year olds. It works on so many different skills. Noun generation, alphabetical skills, onset sounds, handwriting and spelling. It is also a great way to acquire new vocabulary in a fun setting. When you play with them, you create your answers and then tell them. You roll a die with all the letters on them and then fill out the given list of objects, all words must start with the rolled letter. I extend the timer for my kids so that they have a little more think-time. I can also change a couple of the categories if my kids don’t know the subject.
- Players: 2-6
- Playtime Average: 25 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3
- Parent Rating: 3.5
3. Guess Who
Guess Who is a game I can still play with my now 9 year old. This 2-player game makes you identify a character before your opponent by asking questions to narrow down the list. Each player is given the same board of characters with their portraits that pivot up and down to be able to easily eliminate them as an option. Kids will get into a routine of asking the same questions which makes the game a little predictable. I like to spice it up, house rule you cannot ask the same questions twice, no matter the player or the round. This provides great problem-solving practice, noticing details, and works on compare and contrast skills.
- Players: 2
- Playtime Average: 15 minutes
- Kids Rating: 2.5
- Parent Rating: 2.75
4. The Game of Life
The Game of Life is a great board game for young kids and you. The object of the game is to make it through life, making decisions that will help you amass your retirement at the end of the game. This game will help your children in decision making, cause and effect, counting, risk taking and mental flexibility.
- Players: 2-4
- Playtime Average: 30 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3
- Parent Rating: 2
5. Battleship
Battleship is a war game, but my 8 year old didn’t see it that way. She thought it was like hide and seek. I remember playing this game with my dad. It is as fun for me now as it was back then. I can also play this with my older daughter too. This is a game you will play and stash then come back to it in a couple months to play again. Your 8 year old will learn strategy, spatial awareness and how to read a 7×7 grid.
- Players: 2
- Playtime Average: 20 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.25
- Parent Rating: 2.75
6. Mancala
I like the Mancala for 8 year olds. It builds strategy in a very basic way. It is a stone collecting game where you and an opponent take turns trying to collect as many stones as possible in your basin. This is a fun game with no luck involved. Any game that stands the test of time (about 5000 years with Mancala) is a winner in my book. The rules are simple, and the game is quick.
- Players: 2
- Playtime Average: 10 minutes
- Kids Rating: 2.5
- Parent Rating: 3
7. Connect 4
Connect 4 is a simple game to learn, but a hard game for an 8 year old to master. It will provide hours of educational entertainment. Kids will build skills on pattern recognition, prediction opponents moves and planning ahead. The object of this game is to be the first to connect 4 of your game pieces before your opponent does. I love to play this game with both my kids. It is a great introduction into strategy games before attacking higher functioning games like chess.
- Players: 2
- Playtime Average: 15 minutes
- Kids Rating: 2.5
- Parent Rating: 3
8. Yahtzee
Yahtzee is a luck-of-the-roll dice game. I like this game and 8 year olds can play it. At first you will need to assist (play together) until they start to understand the intricacies of the game. Once they begin to see all the categories they need to fulfill, they are ready to play on their own. The game builds on the following skills: counting, pattern recognition, understanding probability, decision making, opportunity costs and mental flexibility.
- Players: 2+
- Playtime Average: 15 minutes
- Kids Rating: 2.75
- Parent Rating: 2.75
9. Operation
Operation is a very frustrating game for me, but my 8 year old likes it. The object is to precisely remove bones from a patient without touching the side of the body. It is great for developing patients, hand-eye coordination and perseverance. Little kids love the flashing red nose. It does lose its novelty rather quickly, but it was a big hit for the weeks that it was played and my 8 year old got better at it than me.
- Players: 1
- Playtime Average: 5 minutes
- Kids Rating: 2.25
- Parent Rating: 2
10. Perfection
Perfection was one of my favorite speed games growing up and my children loved it too. The object is to fit all the different shapes into their designated spots on the game board before the time runs out. This game builds hand dexterity, pattern and shape recognition and the ability to work under pressure. Our 8 year old loved this game. Once mastery of the game has been achieved it is one of those games you pull out on occasion to say, “I still got it!”
- Players: 1+
- Playtime Average: 5 minutes
- Kids Rating: 2.75
- Parent Rating: 2
11. Scrabble
Believe it or not, Scrabble can be a great board game for 8 year olds. This will not be as fun for you because you will want to give them the good spots and be okay with a lot of CVC (consonant vowel consonant) words. This is a great game to work on your child’s lexicon, sound recognition and spelling. You can modify the rules depending on where your child is at. You can accept phonetically correct spelled words, help sound out the word as they try to spell it or if they skipped a sound assist them. This is a way to make phonics a game.
- Players: 2-4
- Playtime Average: 30 minutes
- Kids Rating: 2.75
- Parent Rating: 3.75
12. Checkers
Checkers can be played well before 8, but if you haven’t played it before 8, start now. This is a capture game where you must take all your opponents pieces, before they take yours. This board game builds skills in problem solving, patience and decision making.
- Players: 2
- Playtime Average: 15 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.25
- Parent Rating: 3.25
13. Clue
Clue is a great game to introduce logic to an 8 year old. The object of the game is to solve a murder (it sounds worse than it is… no violent pictures or anything like that). You have to figure out who did it, in what room, with what weapon. In reality, this is a big logic puzzle where everyone gets a few clues and you have to be the first to figure out the answer by getting other people to divulge their clues through guesses. We still love playing a good game every now and then. It took a little explaining at first for my 8 year old to understand, but when it clicked, she really liked playing. Now that she is older, I think she loves the game even more because she can draw inferences and apply logical conclusions.
- Players: 2-6
- Playtime Average: 20 minutes
- Kids Rating: 4
- Parent Rating: 3.75
14. Risk
Risk is a large strategy board game. This may be a little much for an 8 year old. You have a lot of things to think about. If you are looking for a game where your 8 year old can participate and help beat “daddy” or “older sister” then this can be that game. Your 8 year old will need guidance, especially in the beginning. Eventually they will grow into it. This is also a longer game, so if you can play it in multiple time settings, it will help keep their interest. This is definitely a game for older kids and adults that an 8 year old could join in and participate in a limited capacity.
- Players: 2-5
- Playtime Average: 30 minutes
- Kids Rating: 2.75
- Parent Rating: 3.75
15. Pictionary
Pictionary, the classic game of drawing pictures for words, is awesome with 8 year olds. With a little house modification, it becomes perfect. “All plays” when kids draw are for everyone; “all plays” when adults draw, only kids can guess. Kids acquire hand dexterity, abstract thinking and vocabulary while playing this game.
- Players: 8+
- Playtime Average: 30 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3
- Parent Rating: 3
16. Twister
Ah, Twister… It’s a classic. I used to think it was so fun. Now I groan a little. I’ll still play it mind you, but I groan. This is a game where you need to start earlier with young children, maybe 5 or 6, so you still have a chance to win. Once they hit 8, that is the sweet spot. Their legs are long enough to reach the spots and their bendy bodies make it impossible to win. The game works on body control, anticipation of the next move and core strengthening for your children and you if you choose to challenge them. Remember, it’s just a game. This is where they will get their revenge on all of the thinking games! If you are looking for some quality time with the family, this beats a video game any day!
- Players: 2+
- Playtime Average: 10 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.75
- Parent Rating: 2
17. Rummikub
Rummikub is a great game for an 8 year old. This tile game has players trying to get rid of their tiles using a communal board where players play sets of 3 tiles either the same number of different colors or a run of 3 tiles or more of the same color. Your kids will build skills in decision making, recognizing sequences and patterns, patience and planning.
- Players: 2-4
- Playtime Average: 15 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.25
- Parent Rating: 3.25
18. Catchphrase
Back when I was a kid, Catchphrase was a pain to set up with rolling cards, now it is electronic. Once your kiddo can read this is a great game to play with the family, age 8 to age 80, this game is great. The reason it is great for 8 year olds especially is that it helps them learn to use adjectives and get a deeper understanding of objects and locations. The object of the game is to get your team to say the phrase. With the push of a button your kiddo can skip words he/she doesn’t know yet to keep the game fun and on a fair playing field.
- Players: 4+
- Playtime Average: 25 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.5
- Parent Rating: 3.75
19. Simon
Simon is a great solo game for 8 year olds. You have to remember a repeating pattern that keeps adding until you mess up. This quick game builds their working memory. It is also great for road trips as there are no pieces to lose. Years after my oldest turned 8, we still get this out and see if we can beat, not just each other, but our personal bests.
- Players: 1
- Playtime Average: 5 – 10 minutes
- Kids rating: 2.75
- Parent Rating: 2
20. Jenga
Jenga is a block stacking game. My 8 year old learned a lot from this game. She learned to slow down. Though this does not seem a big deal, it kind of was. She is very aggressive in sports and games and while this benefits her in many arenas, Jenga was not one of them. She learned that gripping and ripping is not good for every event. In addition to that, it also helps build fine motor skills and patience and decision making. It was not her favorite game, but it definitely helped her grow.
- Players: 1+
- Playtime Average: 10 minutes
- Kids Rating: 2.5
- Parent Rating: 2.5
21. Memory
Memory is a tile matching game that comes in many different designs. Our favorite tiles are jungle animals and Dr. Seuss, but there are so many to choose from! This tile matching game is for kids of all ages; but if you don’t have it by 8 yet, get it. Your children will love it. It is a great way to build spatial recognition and working memory. This is just as good for your brain as it is for your kid’s brain.
- Players: 2-10
- Playtime Average: 15 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.75
- Parent Rating: 3.25
22. Chess
Chess is a great board game with a simple goal and many complex strategies on how to accomplish that goal. The goal is to capture your opponent’s king. At 8 years old it is an ideal time to start chess. I’d start with explaining what each game piece does. Chess helps people of all ages build skills in strategic and abstract thinking, anticipation and patients, flexibility and pattern recognition. It is proven that developing chess skills improves overall IQ. At around 8 years old for most of us, chess becomes a fun game that kids can fully understand.
- Players: 2
- Playtime Average: 20 – 60 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.75
- Parent Rating: 4.25
🗝️ Strategy Board Games
23. Catan, (or Settlers of Catan depending on where you are from)
Catan can be played with your 8 year old if they have played similar games with building rules, if they have not, I would suggest starting with Catan Junior. This is a resource collecting game where you roll dice, build roads, settlements and cities and collect and play discovery cards to win the game. The game is based on the probability of the dice roll. It will take your child a time or six to develop a strategy to win the game. There are several strategies that you can use to win the game.
- Players: 3-4
- Playtime Average: 60 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3
- Parent Rating: 4.25
24. Trash Pandas
Trash Pandas is a dice rolling, risk/reward, strategic card stashing game. 8 year olds will love this game and adults will find it surprisingly entertaining. At first the game looks simple, stash as many cards as you can. Upon playing it again, following the rules on the cards add a very strategic element to what would have been a “luck of the roll” game. Kids will learn how to react when rolls or cards don’t go their way. They will also learn to protect their assets, when to take risks and when to choose discretion.
- Players: 2-4
- Playtime Average: 20 minutes
- Kids Rating: 4
- Parent Rating: 3.25
25. Dragonwood
Dragonwood is a fantasy game that pits you against your opponents in a race to see who can slay the most monsters in a rummy card game style set up where you can use runs, pairs or card color to overcome the monsters. Younger players will learn about efficiency, pattern building and opportunity cost in this introduction to strategy games. I highly recommend this game for beginners and younger children to learn about strategic thinking and the strategy board game realm.
- Players: 2-4
- Playtime Average: 20 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.5
- Parent Rating: 3.25
26. Ticket to Ride
Ticket to Ride is one of the best board games for the whole family. I highly recommend this game if you have 4 or 5 people of all different ages and a different level of skill. We like the Europe version best, but they are all great. In this game you build train routes connecting cities. This game is so much fun for players of all ages. Children will learn mental flexibility, problem solving, cause and effect, anticipation of other players and prioritization. This is one of my top picks.
- Players: 2-5
- Playtime Average: 30 – 60 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.75
- Parent Rating: 4.5
27. Splendor
If you are looking for games adults will like but 8 year olds can play, Splendor is your game. I liked this game way more than my 8 year old. She could play it without much explanation, but it was not one of her favorites. I think the scarcity of the resources frustrated her. You have to build resources starting small, then proceed to the bigger cards; my 8 year old did not understand that and ended up trying to get unattainable cards with what was at her disposal. I think she will like this more at 10ish. 8 year olds can play this game but it might be one of those that will take some time to expand their thinking. This game will help them learn the appropriate goal setting to reach the final goal.
- Players: 2-4
- Playtime Average: 30 minutes
- Kids Rating: 2.5
- Parent Rating: 3.5
28. 7 Wonders
7 Wonders is more for older players, but if your youngest is around 8 and you want to play a game with teens that everyone will love, this is that game! You build your city by amassing, buying and utilizing resources. You must prioritize what is important to you and take it before your opponents. It is simplistic enough for an 8 year old to get the idea of how to play and is complex enough for many replays by adults. With multiple ways to win, your 8 year old can develop strategies or at the very least recognize and thwart your strategy to win the game. They may not get all the intricacies of the game, but they will get enough to make it not just fun, but competitive.
- Players: 3-7
- Playtime Average: 30 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.25
- Parent Rating: 4.25
29. Carcassonne
Carcassonne, the 20+ year old game, has stood the test of time. My 8 year old could play it with the family but she rarely won. It is easy to learn, but hard to master for an 8 year old. She was frustrated with the rules sometimes but for the most part could play it. The game is a tile-based game where you earn points based on placing meeples (game people) in strategic spots on the board to earn points. Your child will begin to learn about opportunity costs and scarcity of resources. If you are looking for a game for the rest of the family that the 8 year old could play too, this is a great choice, especially if your 8 year old likes to mess other people up and not really care if they win!
- Players: 2-5
- Playtime Average: 45 minutes
- Kids Rating: 2.75
- Parent Rating: 3.75
30. Kingdomino
Kingdomino is a fantastic option for 8 year olds. If you are looking for entertaining simple games for younger kids that you can play on family game night, this is the perfect game. It is fun to play with the whole family. It has simple rules and only takes about 15 minutes to play. The object of the game is to build your kingdom one picturesque domino at a time and score the most points. Your child will develop decision making and spatial awareness skills
- Players: 2-4
- Playtime Average: 15 minutes
- Kids Rating: 4.25
- Parent Rating: 3.5
31. Dragonrealm
Dragonrealm is a follow up to the Dragon Wood. This game is a separate stand-alone game but has many of the same game style elements. You are now attempting to be the first to conquer realms instead of monsters. You are also competing against your opponents and goblins. There is also an added coin element to the game. All of these will be easily understood by your 8 year old after they’ve mastered the Dragon Wood game. Do not be afraid of the 10+ age range. If they enjoy Dragon Wood, they will like Dragon Realm.
- Players: 2-4
- Playtime Average: 30 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.5
- Parent Rating: 3.25
32. Codenames
Codenames is a great game for older participants. This is definitely not a game for 8 year olds. Many complex word meaning and association skills go into playing this game. The game premise is that you are racing against an opponent to give your team as few clues as possible to guess 8 or 9 random words on the board with one-word clues. You must avoid your team guessing the other team’s cards or the assassin card. It is very fun and engaging for adults. 8 year olds may join in but will miss many of the connections. Though this is not a game for them, they can learn vocabulary and word association by playing it with an older audience.
- Players: 2-8
- Playtime Average: 15 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.75
- Parent Rating: 3.75
🤝 Group / Cooperative Board Games
33. Pandemic
Pandemic is a great game to play in mixed age ranges. You work collectively to cure a pandemic. You or older siblings can help your 8 year old through this game but also let them think about how they can best help the team. It is a little complex, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing as you can be there to help them figure it out versus other games where you are one of the opponents. Playing games like these work on developing problem-solving skills and teamwork.
- Players: 2-4
- Playtime Average: 45 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.75
- Parent Rating: 3.75
34. Forbidden Island
Forbidden Island is another popular cooperative board game that can be played with an 8 year old in the group. The object of this game is to find the treasure and get off the island before the island sinks. The complexity of the game can be overcome because you or others can assist your 8 year old in decision making when they need help. The balance comes in letting them make their own choices versus telling them what to do.
- Players: 2-4
- Playtime Average: 30 minutes
- Kids Rating: 4
- Parent Rating: 3.5
35. Apples to Apples
Apples to Apples can be played by an 8 year old with modifications. Your 8 year old must be able to read. The object of this game is to match nouns to adjectives… this game builds abstract and concrete thinking as well as building vocabulary. We do let our kiddos put back cards that they are unfamiliar with and especially 90’s references, we do go back after the game and try to explain most of them giving our kids a mini-history lesson if they are interested. Warning you might get a question like “Who is Adolf Hitler or what is a televangelist?” There are Disney and junior versions of this game that 8 year olds will get more of the references, but if you’re looking for a game that adults will want to play, go with the original and let your little ones discard cards they don’t know.
- Players: 4-10
- Playtime Average: 30 – 60 minutes
- Kids Rating: 4.5
- Parent Rating: 3.5
36. Blank Slate
Blank Slate is a fun game where you try to match only one of the other players to a fill in the blank response. Your 8 year old will develop a deeper understanding of vocabulary and word play as well as anticipation of others’ responses. We do need to reinforce that it is okay to leave a card blank if they can’t think of a response.
- Players: 3-8
- Playtime Average: 30 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.75
- Parent Rating: 3.5
37. Guesstures
Guesstures is a great game for 8 year olds. Even if they can’t read, they can get help from the opposing team and then act out the cards. Guesstures is a fast-paced charades game. It will build your child’s decision making, concrete and abstract thinking skills as well as fine motor skills. It will also help them deal with frustration and mental flexibility. This is one of our best family board games to play with their grandma and grandpa.
- Players: 4+
- Playtime Average: 30 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.75
- Parent Rating: 3.75
38. Telestrations
Telestrations is one of my daughter’s favorite games. Your 8 year old will need to be able to read to play this game. This game is best with 6 to 8 players. It is like the game telephone and Pictionary rolled into one. Telestrations builds fine motor and abstract thinking skills. I like that there are no winners or losers or highest score; It’s just family members and friends laughing and having fun.
- Players: up to 8
- Playtime Average: 30 – 60 minutes
- Kids Rating: 4.25
- Parent Rating: 3.75
39. Cranium Conga
Cranium Conga is a great family board game that can be played and enjoyed by all from 8 year olds to grandparents! This is a response prediction game. There’s charades, sculpting, humming and get-to-know-you questions… what’s not to love?!?
- Players: 3-6
- Playtime Average: 30 – 60 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.5
- Parent Rating: 3.5
40. Imaginiff…
Imaginiff is a party game that can be played with 8 year olds, but you will have to be selective with the cards. The object of the game is to compare friends and family to abstract objects to determine what they are most like. There are some cards that are either not appropriate for 8 year olds or they just won’t get the reference. This is definitely not for a group of 8 year olds, but an 8 year old could join in and understand what to do.
- Players: 3-5
- Playtime Average: 30 – 60 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3
- Parent Rating: 3.25
41. Ka-Blab
Ka-Blab is a great vocabulary skill building game for 8 year olds. It also helps them think under pressure as there is a random ticking timer in the game. The rules are simple, name items under a category until you need to pass and don’t be the one holding the dice when the timer runs out. 8 year olds may need to be more selective, but not too selective with the category cards.
- Players: 2-6
- Playtime Average: 30 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3
- Parent Rating: 3.25
42. 5 Second Rule
5 Second Rule is rated for 10+ but I found my 8 year old could play it with the family. We just had to be a little selective with the cards drawn so that she had knowledge of the category. This is a fun game that keeps everybody engaged and laughing. You have 5 seconds to say 3 things that fit into an easy topic… sounds easy until the 5 second timer starts, then the laughing begins!
- Players: 3+
- Playtime Average: 20 – 30 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.25
- Parent Rating: 3.75
🃏 Card Games
1. Skip-Bo
Skip-Bo is a fun game that pits you against your opponents in an effort to get rid of your pile of cards by building 4 communal stacks. The cards go from 1-12 and the skip bo are wild cards.
- Players: 2-6
- Playtime Average: 20 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.75
- Parent Rating: 3.5
2. Wizard
If your family likes Spades, Wizard is for you! All the same rules of Spades applies, only you add wizards (anytime trump), jesters (anytime sluff) and slightly different scoring system.
- Players: 3-6
- Playtime Average: 40 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3
- Parent Rating: 3.75
3. Monopoly Deal
We love the Monopoly Deal game. The object of the game is to build three monopolies. You have to build your own property or take your opponent’s properties while protecting what you have. Bonus, it’s a lot faster than Monopoly!
- Players: 2-5
- Playtime Average: 15 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.5
- Parent Rating: 3.75
4. Mille Bornes
Mille Bornes is a frustrating, yet fun card game where you are in a card car race. Get to the finish line before your opponents and look out for pitfalls along the way!
- Players: 2-6
- Playtime Average: 20 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.75
- Parent Rating: 3
5. Exploding Kittens
Exploding Kittens is simple… Don’t get blown up. The cards try to help you be the last one standing. My kids made the same expressions I made playing Old Maid; the only difference, you didn’t explode in Old Maid!
- Players: 2-5
- Playtime Average: 15 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.75
- Parent Rating: 3.5
6. Uno
Uno is a family favorite. The object is simple, get rid of your cards before everyone else. You can also make so many house rules with this game.
- Players: 2-10
- Playtime Average: 10 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3.25
- Parent Rating: 3.25
7. Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza
Choose Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza if you have a bunch of 8 year olds and you want to keep them laughing. It’s easy to explain and hilarious to watch and even more fun to play. There are elements of slap jack combined with gestures for specific cards all while keeping the rhythm of a Taco-Cat-Goat-Cheese-Pizza cadence.
- Players: 3-8
- Playtime Average: 10 – 15 minutes
- Kids Rating: 3
- Parent Rating: 3.5
♠️ Conclusion for the Best Board Games for 8 Year Olds
I love all of these board games, some more than others. Everyone has different tastes, so I didn’t put them in any particular order, and I tried not to explain how to win in the post either. To me, figuring out how to play and how to win are the best parts of the game. I tried to offer you suggestions on games for 8 year olds and games for the family that 8 year olds can participate in. Please comment below if you have games you’ve played that we should play.
A husband and father to two daughters, Kylie and Kaycie. Ken is an elementary school teacher with two master’s degrees and extensive experience working with children. When he is not teaching in the classroom, he can also be found coaching kids in sports, being active, and playing with his goldendoodle dog.
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